I believed and I felt. I felt and I knew. I knew and I saw.
~ myself

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow capped mountains

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul."
~John Muir

A.Rogers Jan.2011

I had to drive out to the eastern edge of town and find a road leading uphill, but I did it and scored! I have been admiring these mountains for a couple of weeks and I found a view of them unobstructed by any buildings, trees, or telephone lines. I just wish I had my camera with me instead of just my phone. I am going to start carrying it with me everywhere I go!


  1. That's really good, even with the camera phone! ;0)

  2. You would love my friends blog then...cloudsarethesilverlining.blogspot.com beautiful pictures.

  3. Connie~ I LOVE your friend's blog! Very neat idea!! It must be very fun to live so close to YNP! Such a beautiful place.
