I believed and I felt. I felt and I knew. I knew and I saw.
~ myself

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Science Fair

What a crazy, but amazing day! I am so proud of all the Dixie Sun scientists. I am so happy that the science fair is finally over for 2011! I am so thankful that I got to be able to put such a great opportunity together for the kids this year. I am so honored to have been a part of such a great experience. All of the kids did such an amazing job, and I truly mean that! All of the judges, all of the teachers, staff, and administrators, all of the parents- everyone who helped, volunteered, judged, or just visited the fair commented about how many kids participated and how well they did. The judges remarked many times about how difficult it was to judge the kids because they all did such quality projects. Wow!
Here is a picture from the open house of one of my former students, now a big 5th grader. She tested to see if people preferred the taste of organically grown fruit to fruit grown in other ways. I love her happy smile!
Don't tell, but I think I will have a party tomorrow. Cookies and a movie. "Science fair is over party!" :)

A. Rogers Apr. 2011

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