I believed and I felt. I felt and I knew. I knew and I saw.
~ myself

Friday, April 1, 2011

No DS? How could you survive?

No, the Native Americans and the early settlers DID NOT have a DS, a Wii, or a laptop to go play Club Penguin! Can you believe that?
Just kidding. These kids are too smart, and weren't that surprised at all to discover this and, as we compared and contrasted cultures and how we play, they actually connected games we still use that may have started as Native American/Pioneer games. Because like one girl explained, when I acted shocked that they didn't think Pioneer and Native American children played Nintendo, "Duh, Miss Rogers! They didn't have that kind of TECHNOLOGY, or even ELECTRICITY back then!!! So they had to use other stuff like rocks and sticks." How could I have not thought of that?
Here are some of the things they thought of that could have been invented long ago:
Hide and Seek
Dramatic play 
(War, House, School, Hunting games)
Jump rope
Hop Scotch
Checkers or Chess
Ball games 
(Did you know LaCrosse was actually a game invented by tribes of the 
Iroquois Confederacy, and was a pre war game)
Figurines made of sticks, wood, bone, clay, etc
(like toy soldiers or wrestlers)
Jump rope
Stick pulling
Leap frog

We made some Inuit ( not Eskimo) dolls (they would really have been made of leather and fur sewn together) and some simple games like many Native American children might have played hundreds of years ago.

A. Rogers Apr. 2011
A. Rogers Apr. 2011

 A. Rogers Apr. 2011

One little girl got pretty creative and glued the small picture that showed how to put it together in the child's arms like a doll or a baby. Then several other kids liked it and copied her.

 A. Rogers Apr. 2011

One boy thought it would be funny to have the child hold the baby by the head. Such a boy!!! :)

A. Rogers Apr. 2011

(I just noticed the paper on my desk is a badly failed spelling test... 
good thing the name is not showing since I didn't take the time to crop these today. LOL)

Next week, if we have time, I would like to learn some string games and make corn husk dolls. Very fun! I love Fridays like this!!!

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